Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Advent: Another chance to jump into God's time machine

I have always been fascinated with the thought of time travel. I watch as many nerdy television shows as possible which address the topic through any genre.

So for me, it's only natural to be especially interested in God's existence outside of time and His choosing act within the confines of time and even more so, His joining of the two.

Time - and Time Again

A former pastor of mine once preached about chronos and kairos time. Very simply, chronos time may be explained by the answer to the question "What time is it?" while kairos time is better explained by the statement "I had a great time". While chronos refers to sequential time, kairos refers to a moment.

In the Eastern Church, before the Liturgy begins, the deacon exclaims "Kairos tou poiesai to Kyrio"; which means "It is time for the Lord to act", recognizing the joining of our earthly and heavenly worship.

Lost in Translation

In the Western Church, when we hear the words "Do this in memory of me" in the English translation, we can lose the real meaning of the word "anamnesis" which is the Greek word from which we draw upon. Anamnesis more specifically means "made present". We don't just "remember" the Paschal mysteries. By the working of the Holy Spirit, we enter into them; on God's awesome time machine if you will.

Back to the Future

Advent is now upon us, and here is a little something I found in the catechism:

When the Church celebrates the liturgy of Advent each year, she makes present this ancient expectancy of the Messiah, for by sharing in the long preparation for the Savior's first coming, the faithful renew their ardent desire for his second coming. (Catechism 524)

I just love the chance to time travel. Don't you?

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