Monday, November 4, 2013

Traditional Catholic Charismatic Orthodoxy

Our young priest made a comment just after "the Greeting of the Assembled People" yesterday. He reminded the assembly that as we celebrate the Mass we are joining in heavenly worship with the angels and saints. He then said that sometimes he wonders if the angels and saints are laughing at our lackluster responses and singing.

I wrote this post last year about reverence, especially while receiving Holy Communion. Reading that post would be helpful to better understand my position about a few liturgical issues. But here's a snapshot from that post:

I was born in 1967, post Vatican II, so my childhood saw remnants of the past being replaced, changed, or removed. I remember going to Mass as a very young boy and watching my parents receive Holy Communion at the altar rail. By the time I received Holy Communion for the first time, the altar rail had been removed, and we were taught to receive on the tongue or in the hand. I have always preferred to receive on the tongue, and truth be known, I would love for the Communion rail to come back. I embrace the few times we get to respond or sing in Latin. I love that connection to Church history.

Other thoughts I have posted with regards to Liturgy or related topics are here, here, and here just to note a few.

I absolutely love the reverence shown in the TLM and the Orthodox Liturgies and what that reverence teaches us...reminds us of.

For several years, when I lived in Louisiana, I attended a church that was part of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. (For those that are unfamiliar with this, the Charismatic Renewal is in full communion with Rome.) I guarantee that there was never a lackluster response or less than maximum effort in the singing or participation in the Mass.

When preparing for the Revised Roman Missal translation changes, the Bishops stated that their hope was that the effort would bring about more "full, active, and conscious participation" in the Mass. As we prepared in our parish here in Texas, I often thought of those days in the charismatic Catholic church.

The charismatics I associated with could not be described as irreverent for sure. But at the church I attended there was time during each Mass where the charismatic gifts of the Holy Spirit were...well, on display.

I state it in this manner because I firmly believe that such should be practiced outside of Mass. It's not that I think that the gifts of the Spirit are irreverent, but what is "the better part" given to us...charismatic gifts, or the Mass itself?

I believe that the true focus was lost. Case in point; a strong and mature Catholic who attended Mass there regularly once told me that they had to attend Mass at a "regular parish" for several straight weeks, and that it was good to get back to "real church". I wonder...did Jesus forget to show up in the Eucharist at that other parish?

I often wonder if I am an oddity. I love the Mass we celebrate today post-Vatican II, but I believe that much of our tradition, especially the reverence once shown has been lost. Being honest, it actually hurts.

Can't we bring the richness and beauty of all of these together?

Sometimes I just wish for some sort of Traditional Catholic Charismatic Orthodoxy.

When it's time to sing, sing! When it's time to respond, respond fully knowing what you are saying! Stop going through the motions; pretty please. Quick checking your mobile device. Focus on Jesus before, during, and after Communion. Please don't be so quick to rush out of church or nearly kill someone getting out of the parking lot.

Soul of Christ, sanctify me. Body of Christ, save me. Blood of Christ, inebriate me. Water from the side of Christ, wash me. Passion of Christ, strengthen me. O Good Jesus, hear me. Within Thy wounds hide me. Suffer me not to be separated from thee. From the malignant enemy defend me. In the hour of my death call me. And bid me come unto Thee, That with all Thy saints, I may praise thee Forever and ever. Amen.

Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.

Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Thy faithful and enkindle in them the fire of Thy love. Send forth Thy Spirit and they shall be created. And Thou shalt renew the face of the earth. Amen.

O Lord, deprive me not of thy heavenly blessings. O Lord, deliver me from eternal torments. O Lord, if I have sinned in mind or thought, in word or deed, forgive me. O Lord, deliver me from…littleness of soul and stony hardness of heart. O Lord, deliver me from every temptation. O Lord, enlighten my heart which evil desire hath darkened. O Lord, I, being man, have sinned: do thou, being God, in loving kindness forgive me. O Lord, send down thy grace to help me, that I may glorify thy holy name. O Lord Jesus Christ, enroll me thy servant in the book of life. O Lord my God, even though I have done nothing good in thy sight, yet grant me, according to thy grace, to make a beginning of good. O Lord, sprinkle on my heart the dew of thy grace. O Lord of heaven and earth, remember me thy sinful servant, cold of heart and impure, in thy kingdom. O Lord, receive me in repentance. O Lord, leave me not. O Lord, lead me not into temptation. O Lord, grant me thought of good. O Lord, grant me tears, a remembrance of death, and a sense of peace. O Lord, grant me mindfulness to confess my sins. O Lord, grant me humility, charity, and obedience. O Lord, grant me endurance, magnanimity, and gentleness. O Lord, plant in me the root of all blessings, the fear of thee in my heart. O Lord, vouchsafe that I may love thee with all my heart and soul and in all things obey thy will. O Lord, shield me from evil men and devils and passions and all other unlawful things. O Lord, who knowest thy creation and what thou hast willed for it; may thy will also be fulfilled in me a sinner; for thou art blessed for evermore. Amen.

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